New England Forestry Consultants, Inc.

Shaping Your Legacy



Over the years, one of the things about NEFCo that tends to remain pretty constant is the personnel.  While there is an occasional person leaving or a retirement, for the most part, our personnel stay with the company.  Over the past five years, we have had a couple of changes.

Fred Huntress fully retired in February of 2013.  Fred had been with NEFF or NEFCo for 55 years.

Don Feeney of the Oxford Hills Center semi-retired in 2012.  Gregory Seamans was hired to become the manager of the Oxford Hill Center in Bryant Pond, Maine.  Greg  worked with Don and has taken on more responsibilities as Don eases into retirement.  Greg holds a BS in Forestry from U. Maine-Orono, where he was a Dean’s List student and received the Presidential Achievement Award.  Greg’s forestry experience includes working as a forest inventory technician for Irving Woodlands in Maine, and working for our company during his summer vacations from college.

William Caveney  joined our Monadnock region office and works closely with Dennis McKenney and Daniel Reed in the south central region of New Hampshire. He is a forest technician and is assisting with timber cruising, marking, and boundary jobs as well as surveying work. Before coming to NEFCo, Billy worked at High Tech Harvesting LLC in Loudon, NH. He graduated in 2008 from the University of New Hampshire Thompson School of Applied Sciences and then, in 2010, he earned a B.S. degree in Forestry from UNH.

NEFCo has always strived to hire quality personnel.  Both Greg and Bill have exceeded our expectations and we are very excited that they are members of the NEFCo staff.  We also recognize what an integral part of our long-term success our retiring foresters are.  Both Fred and Don afforded us the opportunity to execute a smooth transition and they continue to be available to NEFCo to assist in various projects if called upon.


We are currently in the midst of a debate as to how to distribute the newsletter.  Some prefer to distribute the newsletter via e-mail and on our webpage while others would do the same, but additionally distribute hard copies in the mail.  Obviously, it is significantly less expensive to send the newsletter via e-mail than to send a hard copy.

Right now we will be doing both; however, if receiving the newsletter via e-mail is acceptable to you, please subscribe to the newsletter on our webpage at  Subscribe by filling out the block located in the lower left-hand corner of the Welcome page.  Thank you.