New England Forestry Consultants, Inc.

Shaping Your Legacy


The bad news is that it has been five years since you last received the NEFCo newsletter.  For that I apologize.  It was never our intention to have such an extended time between newsletters; however, time seems to move so quickly and the next thing we knew, five years had passed.

The good news is that NEFCo is committed to resume publishing the newsletter.   Historically, we have received very positive feedback about the newsletter and we will do our best to continue the tradition.

Our roots date to 1944 with the establishment of the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF), a non-profit land conservation organization.  For many years, NEFF retained foresters on staff to assist private landowners in the management of their lands.

In 1994, NEFCo was established as a subsidiary of NEFF and staffed by its foresters.  In 1999, these foresters purchased NEFCo from NEFF and converted to an employee owned company.  NEFCo and NEFF continue to have a close relationship, with NEFCo foresters assisting with the management of lands owned by NEFF.

In essence, the foundation of NEFCo is about to celebrate its 70th anniversary.  Over that time, NEFCo’s primary mission has not changed and we will continue to provide high quality professional forestry services to private landowners.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Respectfully,  Tony Lamberton, President