You have probably heard or read about the growing concern regarding invasive plants. Perhaps you’ve wondered how this problem affects you. The continued advancement of invasive species in New England not only affects the forest, but may have an effect on your physical health as well.
“Invasive plants, in my opinion, are probably my biggest concern when it comes to the proper management of forestland” states NEFCo forester Tony Lamberton. “The rapid spread of these invasives is phenomenal and over the long term will have a significant impact on how landowners will be able to manage their land” he adds.

When I am preparing to administer a timber sale for a client, it is not unusual for the client to ask me how I plan on selling the timber before I have even designated the timber to be harvested. It is also not unusual to see that look of concern spread across my clients face when I answer "I don’t know".
Timber can be sold a number of different ways, and foresters tend to differ in opinion as to which is the preferred method. Personally, I don’t believe there is a preferred method, and the best method is that which best meets the land-owner’s needs.

The bad news is that it has been five years since you last received the NEFCo newsletter. For that I apologize. It was never our intention to have such an extended time between newsletters; however, time seems to move so quickly and the next thing we knew, five years had passed.
The good news is that NEFCo is committed to resume publishing the newsletter. Historically, we have received very positive feedback about the newsletter and we will do our best to continue the tradition.

- Making the Grade
- Fred Huntress Reaches a 50 Year Milestone
- Read about our new personnel addition in ME.
- A Walk in the Woods
- Get the details on Hunting Leases.
- A case study on Timber Management & Retirement
- Give us your ideas for future newsletter articles.
- Stay current with the latest Timber Market Watch.