Peter Farrell is the district manager for the New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. Lakes Region Center. Licensed in NH (#85) , his client working circle covers central NH. He joined New England Forestry Foundation in 1987, and continued with NEFCo when it was formed in 1994, serving as the Company Treasurer until 2008. In that role, he was responsible for the design, programming, and implementation of the Forest Pro/Landbase software that continues to work as the critical administrative and forest management planning system for the Company. Peter's client base is on the order of 30,000 acres and his annual sales of forest products now average over 3 million board feet and 20,000 tons. In addition to standard forestry services, he also offers his database programming skills to clients with information system needs. A graduate of Franklin & Marshall College (BA) and Duke University (MF) in 1977, he is a member of the Association of Consulting Foresters of America and the Society of American Foresters. A resident of Alton, NH since 1979, he has served his community as a school board member, a county Cooperative Extension Council Member, a member of the NH Forestry Advisory Board, and on the technical team for the publication Good Forestry in the Granite State. He also was a contributing author to Forest Plans of North America, Chapter 7, Shirley Town Forest (New Durham), NH.