Shaun Lagueux, New Hampshire LPF is the President and the Newfound Lake district manager for New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. Since 2004, he is responsible for the north central New Hampshire region. Shaun has over twenty years of experience helping clients with coordinating timber sale preparation and supervision, map drafting, management plans, boundary identification and maintenance. Additional areas of experience include municipal forestry, forest recreation development and timberland investment and conservation easement consultation. Shaun is the current NH Timberland Owners Association President. He is a Tree Farm Inspector, past member of the Grafton County Cooperative Extension Advisory Council and Bristol, NH Conservation Commission. He is also a board member of NH Project Learning Tree and of the Slim Baker Foundation for Outdoor Education. He is a former Selectman for the Town of Bristol and is currently a budget committee member. Shaun graduated in 1995 with a degree in Forest Technology from UNH - Thompson School.